If the nerve inside the tooth becomes irritated or infected, a root canal therapy is necessary. If left untreated, the infection can cause an abscess and bone loss around the root of the tooth.In some cases, an infected tooth may completely painless. However, the infection will show on the x-ray. Another scenario that my require root canal is when a tooth has a fracture or crack that go into the pulp. Most root canals take only one visit, and it is a much better option compared to an extraction. Since the tooth is numbed prior to the treatment, the procedure is painless. However, in case you need more relaxation, we offer conscious sedation and nitrous oxide for your maximum comfort.
We Promise that You Will Always be Treated with Respect and Empathy, and that We Will do Everything Humanly Possible to Ensure that your Dental Visit is Painless.
Root Canal Treatment Saves Your Teeth from Extraction
Root Canal Treatment Steps
Prior to the procedure, the tooth will be completely anesthetized, Then a small opening is gained through the top of the tooth so that tiny files can be used to removed the nerve inside the tooth. During and after the removal of the nerve, the pulp chamber and canals are thoroughly disinfected. The canals are shaped using both hand files, also called k-files, and rotary files. The final stage involves filling the canal with a special material called guttapercha. After the nerve is taken out of a tooth, it becomes non-vital. This would lead to the tooth more brittle in comparison to a live tooth with intact nerves. If a molar tooth has had a root canal treatment and it is not protected with a crown, it may fracture. If the tooth fractures below the level of the gum, then the only treatment option would be to extract it. Therefore, a crown is absolutely necessary after a root canal treatment. In a few minor cases, such as the front teeth, it may not be 100% necessary to get a crown subsequent to a root canal, since the front teeth withstand much less grinding force in comparison to the molars. However, after a root canal procedure, the hole, through which the canals were accessed will need to be sealed with a permanent filling material. Also, subsequent to a root canal treatment, the tooth will change into dark tan-brownish color. So for proper aesthetics and functionality, crown is necessary.